Latest News

Updated 8/1/24 

Mark your Calendars! 

Hello MHA Nation,

Please join our Youth are Sacred “I Run Because…” event on Saturday, August 3rd starting at 7:30am for Half-Marathon runners and 8:30am for 5k runners. “I Run Because….” focuses on running for all our relatives for numerous reasons, maybe you want to run/walk for a loved one who has gone to be with our creator, maybe you want to run for your relatives who are fighting cancer, maybe you want to run because you are celebrating your sobriety or for your personal health. “I Run Because…” is an event for all ages and all reasons as to why we run/walk. 

This event comes straight from our youth who have organized and raised funds for cash prizes for 1st-3rd place in each division and had private individuals donate star quilts, shawls and beaded wristlets towards this event. This event is an alcohol and drug free event.

Special shoutout goes to MHA Sober Lodges, TAT Rec & Fitness, Four Bears Segment staff, Diabetes Center, Elbowoods Memorial Health Center & Native Connections Youth Coalition members.

Additional thank you’s go to Healing Horse Ranch for giving the youth an opportunity to fundraise at events and a big Thank You goes out to North East Segment Representative Mervin Packineau for allowing the youth to use the food truck!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


PRC Department Information! 


Effective May 1, 2017, Patient Registration at all EMHC clinics will be requiring all patients to provide the following upon check in:

1. State issued ID
2. Tribal CDIB/Tribal ID
3. Insurance card ...
4. Current mailing address
5. Updated phone number(s)
4. Utility bill (if necessary) to show proof of residency

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.