Scheduled appointments are encouraged and may be made by calling the respective service site/department or at the appointment desk.
**The Clinic, Lab & X-ray, and Optometry are closed from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
General Appointments:
Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Urgent care issues only (not for refills, physical exams, Pap tests, or referrals)
Optometry Clinic:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Diabetic Clinic:
Appointments made through Diabetes Program.
Also available at field clinics.
Pre-Renal Clinic:
One day a month
Appointments made through Diabetes Program.
Ultrasound, CT:
One day a week
Appointments made through Radiology Dept.
Referral needed from a service unit provider.
Bone Density DEXA scan:
Appointments made through Radiology Dept.
Referral needed from a service unit provider.
Physical Therapy
Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm
Parshall Field Clinic - North Door
701-627-7910 to schedule an appointment
Dental Clinic:
Walk-In Hours (for emergencies only)
Monday: 7am to 10am & 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday: 7am to 10am & 1pm to 3pm
Wednesday: 1pm to 3pm
Thursday: 7am to 10am & 1pm to 3pm
Friday: limited providers, call for availability
As a gentle reminder please have your state ID & tribal ID, and insurance card ready at every visit.
**We do not do comprehensive exams, cleanings or fillings for Walk-Ins.
Appointments made through Dental Department (701) 627-7927
Field Health Clinics:
The Tribe has field health clinics which provide limited services in four communities throughout the Ft. Berthold Reservation. These are located at White Shield, Mandaree, Twin Buttes and Parshall. Hours and days of service may be obtained by calling the clinics.
Please call the following numbers if you need assistance with appointment/pharmacy.
White Shield Field Clinic: appointments (701) 743-4380, F: (701)743-4504 / Pharmacy (701)627-7944
Parshall Field Clinic: appointments (701) 862-8220, F: (701)862-3832/ Pharmacy (701)627-7912
Mandaree Field Clinic: appointments (701) 759-3422, F: (701)759-3209 Pharmacy (701)627-7938
Twin Buttes Field Clinic: appointments (701) 938-4540 F: (701)938-4541 / Pharmacy (701) 938-7973/3459